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What does it mean to be "Reformed?"

Why "Reformed"?
This question can be answered in several ways. First, there are five “solas” (Latin for “only” or “alone”) used by the Reformation church (the Protestants) to define itself. These “solas” are part of our faith heritage that still defines us today.

Sola Gratia – By grace alone: only by God’s unmerited favor are we reconciled to God.
Sola Fide – By faith alone: only by faith in God’s promise to forgive can we receive this grace
Sola Christus – In Christ alone: only the work of Jesus Christ – his death and resurrection – can make us right with God
Sola Scriptura – The Scriptures alone: is the only infallible rule for faith and life
Sola Deo Gloria – To the glory of God alone: our purpose in life is to love God and enjoy him forever

Second, being Reformed means that we trace our faith tradition back to the earliest days of the Protestant Reformation. Because of corruption in the Mediaeval church, men such as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli (the most noted, but not the only ones) tried to reform the church from the inside, calling it back to basing its practice and beliefs on Scripture alone. They separated from the church when it became obvious that the church would rather persecute than reform. The Reformed Church traces its roots back to that branch of the Reformation effort headed by John Calvin.

Third, being Reformed also means having a particular emphasis on God’s sovereignty in all things – including the redemption of believers in Christ. This redemption is by grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ – faith that is imparted to us by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:8-9; Heb. 12:2).

For more information please visit our denominational website

What are the "confessions and creeds" of the Church and what are they used for?

The confessions and creeds of the church are efforts by our fore-bearers in the church to put biblical truth in systematic concise statements conducive to learning and memorization or for defending the doctrines of the church against heresy. Today, they are used primarily as a tool for teaching, but also as a measure for orthodoxy. The creeds and confessions of the church help us to guard the treasure of the Gospel entrusted to us and to pass on the biblical faith to the next generation. We recognize three creeds/confessions as the basis for our doctrinal standards: The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordt. For more information on the history and import of these documents go to

What is your style of worship?

Our worship is known as "blended worship." In other words, we have maintained some of the elements and songs of traditional worship because they are meaningful for our faith expression. But we also use contemporary music and different media. We understand worship to be the purpose of life - that every moment of every day is worship. When we gather on Sundays its as God's people having a conversation with God. Our service is set up as a dialogue between God and his people.

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